Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Comic Book Project #5

Guys, I have a confession to make. I really do not like the comic page I made in the last post. I adjusted some things several times to see if I could learn to like it, but as it turns out, the thing I don't like is the art itself. It didn't seem very comic book-y. SO, over the weekend, I've started studying Bruce Timm and his art style. I pretty much idolize him and his work, so I wanted to incorporate some of his work into my style. It's safe to say, I'm not Bruce Timm. BUT, I am pretty happy with how the pictures turned out. AND, I think I'm going to draw my comic in this style :3 (And just so you know, if you have a problem with the way my art looks, look up some of his art. You'll see I'm just taking from how he draws. I don't normally draw girls this out of proportion)

I drew and inked them on marker paper, and then I scanned them into my sketchbook app. From there, I colored them (except for Catwoman, I haven't gotten around to it yet) Basically, I drew Harley, Ivy, and Catwoman, and also a few more not pictured. After I got a hang of the style, I was challenged by my friend to draw Melanie Martinez, and so I did :) I'm not EXTREMELY happy with how she looks, but I'm content. I also did a mini session of drawing cartoon hands at my school because I figured I needed the practice. Hands are more difficult than you think! Anyways, thx for checking out my blog! See ya! 


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The Comic Book Project #8

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