Friday, November 3, 2017

When Will I Stop Procrastinating???

Hey guys! It's been a little while... and frankly, I haven't done ANYTHING for my project since my last post. I'm still really trying to find how I can make my art look more like Bruce Timm's for the comic. And it's taking FOREVER! Ugh! I've got to get onto the first page (since I scrapped the original due to the bad art and weird words) but I don't seem to have the best ideas. I'm going to go home and work on my room, since I just recently re-did it. I've got a big blank wall that I'm probably gonna fill with art and posters, but it's also somewhere I could paint a mural... I just wouldn't know what to paint... hmph. I'll make sure to keep y'all posted on that, and maybe I'll take a picture of it and put it on my next post? ALSO, has anyone seen Stranger Things Season 2 yet?! I'm on episode 4, and ITS SO FREAKING AMAZING! It makes me nostalgic for a time I wasn't even alive in! Sigh...
See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hi abby, I hope your art gets better! And It doesn’t have to be perfect, just do your best!


The Comic Book Project #8

As we approach the end of the Comic Book Project, I had to write a TED Talk inspired speech for my class when I present my work. I will be p...