Friday, December 15, 2017

Melanie Martinez


 Hi! I needed to speak to someone about an issue that has come up that is rather serious. Melanie Martinez, the Crybaby Queen herself, has been accused of assault. And not just any assault. THAT kind of an assault. I don't want to get into details, because my content is supposed to be appropriate. I would just like to say, when I heard the news, I was shocked and appalled. I don't want it to be true, because she has a special place in my heart. I needed to make this post so I could clarify that I am not taking sides in this. I am just hoping this will end in a better way than it looks right now. I made a piece of art that I put on this page of Melanie in Bruce Timm's style. I will not take it down, because it is simply a piece of art, and has nothing to do with the issue. If it turns out the allegations are true, I will most likely hang my head in shame, but 'till then, I'll continue to be a fan. Melanie, I wish you the best of luck in this situation if the accusations are false. But, if they end up being valid, I'm sorry to say I will be EXTREMELY disappointed. Thanks.


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