Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Comic Book Project #6

It's nice to write a post again...
Well sort of.
I've been soooo busy with other work lately, and since I started my comic over...
I'm guessing you know what I'm trying to say.
I'm REALLY behind schedule!
I've been working on the story (again; I've scrapped like 5 million ideas) AND it's safe to say I MAY be going somewhere... It's actually really hard to write a comic book! Even if you're using characters that already exist :/... Honestly, I'm really hoping to get some work done over Thanksgiving so I can feel better about this. Ive made my mind up, and I'm going to be doing a Christmas-themed story with Joker and Harley Quinn! I think it will be cool. Maybe. I'm gonna go work on it, so I'm sorry for the short post! I'll write another soon!

Friday, November 10, 2017

DC's Legion of Collectors November 2017

      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh my stars guys, another box came!!! This box was themed around the NEW Justice League Movie and is now my *second* favorite box out of the three! (The first will always be the Animated Series) ANYWAYS, this box comes with...

~A really cool Batman (with super goggles?) pin
~An EXTREMELY useful Flash sticky note pad (POP! Style) [which I use the heck out of, don't judge me]
~A Suuuuper cool Wonder Woman cup with a lid & a straw (Also POP! Style)
~An amazing Justice League T-Shirt made by a wonderful (yet unknown by me for now) comic artist
(I've worn this shirt 3 or 4 times already in the past 2 weeks *cri... why must I be so obsessed 😥*)
TWO, that's right TWO, Limited Edition POP! Figures of Steppenwolf (who I assume is the main baddie) and Aquaman (Without a shirt on; ooh la la!)

The Steppenwolf POP! Is really cool, but I haven't opened him to check for scrapes or mistakes yet, so yeah... BUT! He's got a GREAT sculpt which I haven't seen before, and a really well done paint job (from what I can tell)

The Aquaman POP! Is pretty neat... I mean, they actually found a way to make an adorable brand of toys hot... Although, I've taken him out of the box already because I was curious to how they made it look like there was a Tsunami wave behind him, and I found quite a few spots of powdery grey stuff in his hair. (Which is 100% okay, i just had to find something to scrape it off with!) There were also a few spots where the paint bled from the hair to the skin, but I understand these had to be made quickly. (And once again, it's TOTALLY okay, because he's still awesome!) 

Anyhoo... I'm gonna post another thingy real soon about some comic story ideas I have, because I gotta start working on this project or it's never gonna get done...



Friday, November 3, 2017

When Will I Stop Procrastinating???

Hey guys! It's been a little while... and frankly, I haven't done ANYTHING for my project since my last post. I'm still really trying to find how I can make my art look more like Bruce Timm's for the comic. And it's taking FOREVER! Ugh! I've got to get onto the first page (since I scrapped the original due to the bad art and weird words) but I don't seem to have the best ideas. I'm going to go home and work on my room, since I just recently re-did it. I've got a big blank wall that I'm probably gonna fill with art and posters, but it's also somewhere I could paint a mural... I just wouldn't know what to paint... hmph. I'll make sure to keep y'all posted on that, and maybe I'll take a picture of it and put it on my next post? ALSO, has anyone seen Stranger Things Season 2 yet?! I'm on episode 4, and ITS SO FREAKING AMAZING! It makes me nostalgic for a time I wasn't even alive in! Sigh...
See ya!

The Comic Book Project #8

As we approach the end of the Comic Book Project, I had to write a TED Talk inspired speech for my class when I present my work. I will be p...