Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Comic Book Project #6

It's nice to write a post again...
Well sort of.
I've been soooo busy with other work lately, and since I started my comic over...
I'm guessing you know what I'm trying to say.
I'm REALLY behind schedule!
I've been working on the story (again; I've scrapped like 5 million ideas) AND it's safe to say I MAY be going somewhere... It's actually really hard to write a comic book! Even if you're using characters that already exist :/... Honestly, I'm really hoping to get some work done over Thanksgiving so I can feel better about this. Ive made my mind up, and I'm going to be doing a Christmas-themed story with Joker and Harley Quinn! I think it will be cool. Maybe. I'm gonna go work on it, so I'm sorry for the short post! I'll write another soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it. It's definitely hard coming up with ideas for stories. Glad you have a topic in mind.


The Comic Book Project #8

As we approach the end of the Comic Book Project, I had to write a TED Talk inspired speech for my class when I present my work. I will be p...