Sunday, September 17, 2017

Favorite Shelf

      BIG news guys! I'm changing my room soon! I'm painting a Batman mural on my wall, and replacing all my white furniture with black! The rest of my room will be painted white. I'm SUPER excited! Anyways, here's a picture for your enjoyment :3 It is my current layout of just one of my shelves. I've got some other stuff not pictured here as well, but this is my favorite shelf right now! It's got just a few of my favorite POP! figures, including one of my first! (It's either the S.S. Joker, Arkham Knight Harley, or Kylo-Ren [who is not pictured here]) In the front, (for those who don't know what it is) is my custom-built Batcave. It's made purely from old legos my mom had in a bin. I think they were supposed to be used for a Robin Hood Treehouse Set, but I made this beautiful monstrosity instead :D! I've got a couple batsuits in the back you can't see because of the characters, and then in front of them are Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and Barbara (in her lil wheelchair) It's kinda stupid when I look at it now, but I can't bring myself to take it apart, because I made it when I was sick, and I'm too attached :P! I think my favorite thing on this shelf is my Harley Quinn POP! or my Poison Ivy POP! from The Animated Series. What's your favorite one? Till my next post, au revoir!


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